The Voya High Dividend Low Volatility strategy seeks to maximize total returns and maintain lower volatility relative to the overall market. In an effort to achieve its mandate, the strategy relies on three distinct sources of excess returns – low beta, high dividend yield, and alpha model – each which have demonstrated outperformance with different risk/return profiles. We believe our focus on three distinct sources helps deliver downside protection without sacrificing the potential for attractive upside returns. As such, our multi-dimensional approach results in more than one way to win across different market environments.
Key Benefits
Fundamentally Informed Global Multi-Factor Models
- Our long-standing proprietary models combine fundamental insights with quantitative capabilities which cannot be replicated by a pure quant manager
- Ensures factors for each sector not only test well but make economic sense
- Provides low-cost access to fundamental alpha sources
Seeks Downside Protection and Strong Upside Capture
Our balanced approach considers all market environments
- Low beta may reduce downside risk when markets are down but lags in up-markets
- High dividend yield has the potential to perform well in both up- and down-markets
- Alpha model seeks to generate excess returns in up markets
Diversified Exposures
- Avoids overcrowding by targeting lower volatility at the portfolio level – not the stock level
- Sector-neutral approach mitigates concentrated exposures to defensive "bond proxy" sectors, thus making it less vulnerable to rising interest rates
As of 12/31/24 | 1 Month | 3 Month | YTD | 1yr | 3yr | 5yr | 10yr | Since Inception (1/01/17) |
Gross | -6.83 | -0.67 | 16.92 | 16.92 | 6.24 | 9.29 | - | 10.67 |
Net | -6.86 | -0.78 | 16.44 | 16.44 | 5.80 | 8.84 | - | 10.26 |
Index* | -6.84 | -1.98 | 14.37 | 14.37 | 5.63 | 8.68 | - | 9.06 |
* Russell 1000 Value Index
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Periods greater than one year are annualized. Performance data is considered final unless indicated as preliminary. Monthly performance is based on full GIPS Composite returns. Access the GIPS page for full composite details.
The Composite performance information represents the investment results of a group of fully discretionary accounts managed with the investment objective of outperforming the benchmark. Information is subject to change at any time. Gross returns are presented after all transaction costs, but before management fees. Returns include the reinvestment of income. Net performance is shown after the deduction of a model management fee equal to the highest fee charged.
Voya IM Equity Profile
Date: September 30, 2024
Approved For: Financial Professional or Qualified Institutional Investor Use Only
Investment Team
Vincent Costa, CFA
Chief Investment Officer, Equities
Years of Experience: 40
Years with Voya: 19
Steven Wetter
Portfolio Manager
Years of Experience: 37
Years with Voya: 13
Kai Yee Wong
Portfolio Manager
Years of Experience: 33
Years with Voya: 13
Principal Risk
You could lose money on an investment in the strategy. Any of the following risks, among others, could affect strategy performance or cause the strategy to lose money or to underperform: Company: The price of a company’s stock could decline or underperform. The strategy may use Derivatives, such as options and futures, which can be illiquid, may disproportionately increase losses and have a potentially large impact on strategy performance. Companies that issue Dividend yielding equity securities are not required to continue to pay dividends on such securities and can reduce or eliminate the payment of dividends in the future. Because the strategy may invest in Other Investment Companies, you may pay a proportionate share of the expenses of that other investment company, in addition to the expenses of the strategy. Risks of the REIT's are similar to those associated with direct ownership of Real Estate, such as changes in real estate values and property taxes, interest rates, cash flow of underlying real estate assets, supply and demand, and the management skill and credit worthiness of the issuer. Other risks of the strategy include but are not limited to: Investment Model, Liquidity, Market, Market Capitalization, and Securities Lending.